Yanci – The Power of an Education
“An investment in knowledge pays the best interest.” —Benjamin Franklin
At Feed the Children, we believe that food and nutrition create the foundation for a promising future. Without food first, there can be no growth, no development, and no life.
Once a strong foundation has been established, the best thing to build is an education. Especially in our international communities, after food and water, education is the most valuable resource we support. This often involves providing school supplies, helping create safe classroom environments, and improving education access for entire communities. Sometimes, however, our work is smaller-scale – but no less important.
Nine-year-old Yanci lives in Panchimalco in El Salvador. Like most others in her community, Yanci’s family struggles to make ends meet. Resources are scarce, and even having two working parents is no guarantee of financial stability. But two years ago, Yanci’s family suffered a devastating loss. Her father passed away, leaving behind Yanci, her little sister, and their mother.
Yanci’s mom, Zulma, had to pivot from caring for the girls and working around the home to seeking outside jobs that would pay enough to provide for the family. In turn, Yanci became the primary caregiver for her little sister, despite being only seven years old.
Grief, stress, and the new weight of responsibilities took a toll. Yanci became morose and withdrawn. Her interest and participation in class began to taper off, and her grades slipped.
Because of the poverty in Yanci’s community, school days were already only five hours long. She wasn’t getting the full benefit of even that short time, and her mother worried about the impact on Yanci’s future.
A Feed the Children program in Yanci’s area is helping her get back on track. In addition to providing school supplies, shoes, and other crucial resources – helping free up the family’s limited budget – through a collaborator, Feed the Children was able to provide Yanci with a tutor. For two hours, twice a week, Yanci attends tutoring sessions where she both reviews what she’s learning in school and explores new topics! Her confidence and grades are rising, and she has hope again.
“With the school support provided by Feed the Children I can continue with my studies,” Yanci says. “I can learn more.”