featured story
Nicole’s Community: How a Community and Children Succeed

Undoubtedly, parents want what is best for their children. They want to see all of their kids’ dreams come true and watch them grow and succeed in the future.

A girl with a backpack outdoors in front of a house in Africa

A Place Where Hope Runs Dry

In the heart of Kenya’s arid and unforgiving Samburu County, a resilient 10-year-old known as “Baby” battles a life marked by relentless drought and hunger. With a spirit unbroken by adversity, Baby’s journey reveals how a simple meal can transform not just a school, but an entire community, offering a glimmer of hope in a land where survival itself is a daily struggle.
Colleen Ridenhour

Behind the Scenes: Meet Colleen

In the realm of nonprofit leadership, Colleen Ridenhour stands out as a figure who seamlessly combines corporate acumen with a deep commitment to positive change. Delve into her inspiring journey, which began in the entertainment industry and has since encompassed a wide range of transformative efforts, including her instrumental role in crafting a new five-year strategy for Feed the Children.
A child smiling with sitting at a table with a bowl of food

Food Waste & Hunger: Six Tips to Help

In the fight against hunger, you’re already making a difference with a commitment to Feed the Children. Discover how simple changes in your day-to-day interactions with food, like reducing waste, can have a profound impact, potentially bringing us one step closer to a world where no child goes to bed hungry.
A child hugging her mother who is pregnant

Nutrition Tips for Pregnancy

In the journey of nurturing new life, the first 1,000 days from the very beginning are a critical chapter where every bite counts. Discovering the nutritional essentials for a healthy pregnancy is the key to ensuring your child’s future unfolds with boundless potential.
A mother and daughter sitting on the ground next to a fence outdoors

Holiday Hardships: Facing Hunger During the Season of Joy

Amidst the holiday cheer, one in five U.S. children grapple with the uncertainty of their next meal, casting a shadow over the festive season for families like Annie’s. Their story reveals the pressing need to ensure every child can enjoy the warmth and abundance of the holidays.
Two children smiling outdoors at an event

Five Ways to Fight Holiday Hunger

As festivities surround us, remember that millions of children go to bed hungry during the holidays. Offer compassion: deliver a meal, request donations, volunteer, educate, or become a monthly donor to ensure no child faces hunger this season.
Children in the back of an sux with feed the children boxes

Rising Costs Threaten Holidays for Families in Need

As the holidays loomed, Ande faced financial hardship, struggling to provide for her son. Your holiday donation can be a lifeline, helping parents like Ande breathe easier and focus on togetherness instead of financial stress during this challenging time.
A boy in winter clothing outdoors

Children Face Hunger on their Holiday Breaks

The holidays can be joyous, but for the 30 million children in the U.S. dependent on the National School Lunch Program, it can mean uncertainty about food. Your gift can brighten their future during this tough season and beyond.
A child holding toys on a porch
A woman standing in front of boxes at an outdoor event
A mother and daughter outdoors surrounded by plants
A man carrying a box of supplies at an event
Three children at an outdoor event
A woman getting supplies out of a box

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