featured story
Nicole’s Community: How a Community and Children Succeed

Undoubtedly, parents want what is best for their children. They want to see all of their kids’ dreams come true and watch them grow and succeed in the future.

A mother and son sitting on the porch

Kathy’s Love

Kathy’s love for her child is what keeps her going when times are tough. But despite her hard work, Kathy often faces impossible choices.
A man and boy with a dog standing in front of a house

Greg’s Hope

Greg is a really special kid with an amazing outlook on life. Even though he’s only 8 years old, he has big plans for his future. He loves science, and dreams of becoming a physicist when he grows up. He likes to help his dad with cooking, but sometimes supplies run short.
A woman standing in front of boxes at an outdoor event
A mother and daughter outdoors surrounded by plants
A man carrying a box of supplies at an event
Three children at an outdoor event
A woman getting supplies out of a box
A boy sitting outdoors in a field

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