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Nicole’s Community: How a Community and Children Succeed

Undoubtedly, parents want what is best for their children. They want to see all of their kids’ dreams come true and watch them grow and succeed in the future.

A woman talking in a dark room

Tina’s Endurance

Tina is raising her grandson, Ronnie, by herself. He’s lived with her since he was born – Tina brought him home from the hospital. She says that there are a lot of grandparents raising their grandchildren right now. It’s more common than people think.
A woman smiling with a dog

Shari’s Caring

When Shari attended a Feed the Children distribution event in her hometown, she was amazed. Her boxes contained so much more than just food. They included things that Shari and her granddaughters need to go through their day-to-day life with dignity.
A line of vehicles getting boxes of supplies

A Volunteer’s View

Putting boxes in the trunks of cars – all morning, last week on Thursday. I couldn’t stop talking about it. Called my friends and family in Chicago. Sent photos to my daughters and friends – pallets, trucks, boxes, books.
A group of kids sitting at a table

Guatemala’s Teenage Club

Guatemala’s Teenage Club provides a place for kids between 12-18 years of age to gather together, learn, talk, and build leadership skills.
A man standing outdoors in front of event tents

Darren’s Support

Darren’s family has never needed assistance before, but the COVID-19 pandemic has held up his work as a landscaper. Through Feed the Children’s assistance, his kids now have the school supplies they need, and new backpacks for the upcoming year.
A woman standing in front of boxes at an outdoor event
A mother and daughter outdoors surrounded by plants
A man carrying a box of supplies at an event
Three children at an outdoor event
A woman getting supplies out of a box
A boy sitting outdoors in a field

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