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Nicole’s Community: How a Community and Children Succeed

Undoubtedly, parents want what is best for their children. They want to see all of their kids’ dreams come true and watch them grow and succeed in the future.

A mother holding her child outdoors in Africa

Exodus’ Health

Exodus’ parents knew something was terribly wrong with their son. Childhood malnutrition isn’t uncommon in Gulu City, Uganda, where Gloria and John live with their three children. Gloria and John knew of many other families with children whose growth was stunted.
A mother and two children sitting on stairs outdoors

Rita’s Wish

Rita has had some unlucky breaks to say the least. The first came when she was kicked out of her house and disowned by her family for becoming pregnant. Then she struggled as a single mom, hardly able to find a job to support herself and her children.
A group of volunteers filling boxes with supplies

Konnor’s Compassion

Konnor has a smile that lights up any room and an equally infectious personality. Every person who comes to this local food pantry in Miami loves him. He’s always there to offer a kind word, a reassuring story, or a compassionate smile.
A box being taped closed

The Blessing of a Second Chance

“I chose the wrong path,” he admits. “If I would have made better choices, I would still have had everything my family built when I was a kid.”
A man and woman smiling outdoors

Annie’s Love

Annie and Shane have the kind of relationship you see in people who can honestly say, “I married my best friend.” Their personalities contrast in a way that compliments them both.
A young girl smiling outdoors

Gabrielle’s Generosity

Giving is in Gabrielle’s nature. The first thing she’s eager to share are words. She’s outgoing and friendly, speaking with her hands as much as her voice.
A girl smiling while sitting in the kitchen

Maya’s Dreams

Maya has big plans for her future. Goal number one: college. Specifically, she’s looking for a Bible college where she can expand her volunteering track record into full-fledged missionary work while putting her love of worship music to good use.
A child standing outside of a house with plants

Daisy Mae’s Determination

Just like the flower she’s named after, Daisy Mae is known to bring smiles to anyone who meets her. At 9 years old, she is the youngest child in her family, living in the Canapnapan district in the Philippines.
A woman standing in front of boxes at an outdoor event
A mother and daughter outdoors surrounded by plants
A man carrying a box of supplies at an event
Three children at an outdoor event
A woman getting supplies out of a box
A boy sitting outdoors in a field

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