Mac’s Story: You’re Always a Parent
“I’m from Evansville, Indiana,” Mac tells us. “I grew up on the west side and now I’m an east-sider. I’ve lived here all my life, pretty much.”
We’re sitting in his daughter’s kitchen-and-dining-room space – Mac often comes over to help and visit his grandkids – after visiting one of Feed the Children’s partners, 4 Good Community. Mac is a volunteer there, and both he and daughter Jenny receive support in the form of food and household essentials from the nonprofit.
Like many other men, Mac never envisioned himself in a position where he would be the one in need of help:
“I’ve been lucky to work with some really good companies,” he explains. “I worked for General Mills when they were here in town. I’ve worked for Whirlpool, and then I went to Toyota after that. From a man’s perspective, you grow up learning that it’s your job to take care of your family and to support your family. So, it’s a really big deal to be able to do that, to be able provide for your family.
Now I’m retired. I draw on Social Security, so I’m kind of on a fixed income. When prices go up, it is a major hit. Everything’s gone up. My electric bill and water bill and gas for the car.”
Mac’s wife still works, but lately, one paycheck doesn’t seem to go as far. And just because his income has lessened, Mac says, his responsibility and desire to help his kids hasn’t. His daughter Jenny, whose kitchen we’re in, has two tween children. Her son is autistic with high support needs, and while he benefits immensely from therapy and medication, neither is cheap. Nor is it always easy coordinating care, transportation, and supervision. Being able to help his daughter and grandson takes time and, the scarcer resource, money.
Being able to get food and other necessities from 4 Good Community eases the strain on Mac’s budget, allowing him to do more for his family in turn.

Mac and Janie (granddaughter)
“You always want to provide for your family, and you’re always worried about them not having food or clothes or having a roof over their head,” Mac told us. “It’s just an important thing. Parenting is hard already, without all these different things popping up in your life and causing problems, you don’t want food and feeding your children to be one of them.“
Mac’s story shows that no matter the age, the love of a parent never fades. He continues to be a beacon of strength for his family, just as your support, as members of the Feed the Children family, continues to provide hope for all those you help!