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Love in the Face of Adversity: Lelis’ Story

Donors like you know the importance of reaching out a helping hand to those in need. Sometimes, that means volunteering to fill or distribute boxes of food to families in need within your own communities. But some choose to reach out even farther, lending their support to kids across the world. 

Eleven-year-old Lelis is one of those children. He lives in El Pital, in Honduras. The country has one of the highest poverty and inequality rates in South America, with over 60% of the population living in poverty. Nearly 20% of children under the age of five are stunted due to malnutrition, and nutritional deficiencies are also widespread.  

Sustaining a family is even harder in the remote, rural communities, which offer fewer opportunities for well-paying employment. Because of this, Lelis has lived with his grandparents since birth, while his mother works in a large city, over a day away from El Pital with public transport. Financially, his mother does what she can to support Lelis, but visits are few and far between.  

It might be easy to assume that a child in Lelis’ shoes would feel left out or forgotten. But despite the hardships he’s faced, Lelis maintains a cheerful outlook on life. 

“I thank God for all the good things he gives us, and my grandparents for loving me so much,” he told us. 

He misses his mom, and looks forward to the day they can live together – but in the meantime, Lelis still has someone looking out for him, making sure he isn’t missing out on educational opportunities or proper nutrition.   

For the last seven years, Lelis has been a member of Feed the Children’s Child Sponsorship program. Thanks to a generous donor, Lelis has received personal support, and his community has benefitted from broader Feed the Children programs. 

“Thank you, Feed the Children, for the school supplies, food, and for making us happy!” Lelis said.  

Because of people like you and all our Sponsored Child supporters, kids like Lelis have hope for a brighter future, one filled with potential. When you choose to reach out, whether by sponsoring a child, making a one-time gift or becoming a monthly donor, you show these kids that they’re not alone.  

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