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A woman with plants outdoors

Growing a Flourishing Future

Food has the power to transform. Consumed, it can turn sickness into health. Given as a gift, it can turn worry into hope. And when the knowledge and ability to grow food are passed to an individual, it has perhaps the most power: to transform multiple lives and entire communities.

Like many other women in remote rural communities in Uganda, Mary had no steady, reliable source of income. Longterm career options were limited to the point of being almost nonexistent. The family had to rely on husband Michael’s equally tenuous work opportunities.

But Mary refused to accept that there was nothing she could do to change her circumstances. She knew she had the drive, ambition and intelligence to accomplish so much more – all she was missing was an opportunity.

And it soon arrived from an unlooked for source: a Feed the Children-sponsored program in Mary’s community. This livelihood program took a slightly different approach based on the need assessed in the area. Commonly, Feed the Children programs provide support in the form of food, vitamins and meal supplements. This livelihood program, however, was looking for farmers interested in the budding industry of Ugandan fruit growing.

Mary was among the first to sign up. She underwent training and instruction, learning the first the basics and then more advanced farming knowledge, before receiving an assortment of seedlings: avocado, passion fruit, and jackfruit. This allowed Mary to start a nursery without needing any hard-to-come-by capital for an initial investment.

Those seedlings, which Mary received two years ago, marked the beginning of a new chapter for her and her family. She and her husband both work to maintain the successful nursery Mary started.

“What my wife is doing is so amazing,” husband Michael says proudly. “I am happy because our home has become a model in fruits nursery bed establishment. I think this will greatly transform not only our household but also our community.

“She has undertaken this initiative for the common good, and I have personally learned a lot. I intend to negotiate with other men to allow their wives to also participate in economic activities.”

Because of the nursery, the couple is better able to provide for their young daughter, Dorine. Mary is also hopeful that following her example, more and more women will seek financial empowerment through these new opportunities.

“I will try to teach more mothers, using the skills I have learned in nursery bed establishment,” she says. “It’s cost-effective, and viable. I pray that this organization will continue to impact many other people.”

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